User-Experience, Interface Design, IoT, Design Research, Design Thinking, Speculative Design, Visual Communication, Teaching, Story Telling, Artist

Marianne Lechner, born in 1978, is a media artist and designer who explores post-digital phenomena and speculative scenarios at the intersection of various disciplines and subject areas. She completed her studies in Media Technology and Design at the University of Applied Sciences Hagenberg and a PhD program at the University of Art and Design Linz. At the moment she is still studyingFine Arts with a focus on Experimental Design at the same university. She currently resides and conducts research in Linz.

Lechner’s artistic research delves into the interplay between technology and society, exploring speculative possibility spaces where current issues and questions of the present are contextualized within a broader future framework. Her works are characterized by their diversity in terms of medium, technique, form, and dimension. Her portfolio encompasses theoretical investigations, digital interfaces, installations, photography, public participatory interventions, and curatorial practice. The common thread running through this heterogeneous body of work is Lechner’s profound interest in social, political, and cultural phenomena.

Marianne Lechner is also a specialist in user experience. She is an associate professor at the Institute for Visual Communication at the University of Art and Design Linz and has also held teaching positions at the JKU Linz, the FH Hagenberg and the NDU in St. Pölten. In the last years her focus has been on communication between people and the Internet of Things as well as the communication with artificial intelligence. (IoT)

Marianne Lechner
Stefan-Fechter-Weg 8
4020 Linz

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Professional Background:

2023+2024: Lecturer JKU „Interdisziplinäres Projekt „Understanding the Digital Society“, Birgit Pröll / Tilo Grenz / Marianne Lechner
2023-2025: Research assistant at the Institute of Business Informatics – Communications Engineering, Johannes Kepler University (JKU)
2022 – *: Associated Professor, University of Art and Design, Visual Department, Linz
2012 – 2022: Assisstant Professor, University of Art and Design, Visual Department, Linz
2006 – 2012:, Head of User-Experience
2000 – 2006:, User-Experience, sen.


2022 – 2024*: CIvolunteer, Critical Infrastructures Powered by Volunteers, more info

2020 – 2022: How are you, my digital friend? Semiogenesis of a Visual Communication Concept for Emotional Contents. PhD-Programm, Supervisor: Elke Bachlmaier, Ruth Neubauer

2018 – 2021: iVolunteer Eine Digitale Plattform zur Nutzbarmachung informeller Kompetenzen im Freiwilligenbereich (FFG)

2021: Intelligente Verkehrsüberwachungssysteme erhöhen die Sicherheit im Straßenverkehr. Sie warnen vor Gefahren und garantieren einen optimalen Verkehrsfluss. Im Rahmen einer Forschungskooperation haben Kapsch TrafficCom, die Kunstuniversität Linz und das Software Competence Center Hagenberg (SCCH) die Komponenten der KI-basierten Verkehrsüberwachung weiterentwickelt.

2010 – 2012: TheHiddenU ─ A Social Nexus for Privacy-Assured Personalization Brokerage, a project funded by the Austrian Research Promotion Agency FFG, proposes to exploit semantic-based mechanisms to leverage techniques for integrating, profiling and privatizing social network content. Partner: Department of Cooperative Information Systems (Johannes Kepler University Linz), Business Informatics Group (Vienna University of Technology) and Netural GmbH

2011 – 2012: Akteursorientiertes Energie- und Change Management zur Minimierung des Rebound-Effektes, Auftraggeber: Land Oberösterreich (im Rahmen des EU-Programms “Regionale Wettbewerbsfähigkeit OÖ 2007-2013” (Regio 13)); Kooperationspartner: Netural GmbH, IFAU Institut für Angewandte Umweltbildung

Exhibitions, Talks:


Exhibition/Workshop „Exploration into the Open: Transforming the Design Process“ initiated by the local cultural platforms and Potato Publising and organized in collaboration with Kunstuniversität Linz, departments of Timebased Media & Visual Communication, Radio FRO and Kulturverein zur Schießhalle. Link

Exhibition „How are you, my digital friend?“, Kunstuni Campus @ Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Link

Exhibition „All sort of Things …“ a design fiction investigating talking objects, (dis)obedient users and dreaming of intelligent machines, Concept and exhibition development: Barbara von Rechbach, Marianne Lechner, Artists: Bashir Bastan (IR), Masoud Simaei (IR), Laia Bonias Garriogos (ES), Leoni Demand (DE), Sophie Morelli (IT), Kunstuni Campus @ Ars Electronica Festival, Linz, Link

Talk: „Nice to see you, my digital friend?“, Science City, Link zum Event


Exhibition „How are you, my digital friend?“, wha gallery, University of Arts and Design Linz

Talk: „How are you, my digital friend?“, Lunch Lectures, Link zum Event


Talk: Design Fiction, New Design University, St. Pölten

Symposium: Conversations with Computers, radical openess, Symposium

Exhibition »NOW«:  Kooperationsprojekt: kulturtankstelle der Kunstuniversität Linz, Abteilungen die architektur, Kunstgeschichte & Kunsttheorie und Visuelle Kommunikation der Kunstuniversität Linz (Österrreich) und dem Graduate Institute for Transdisziplinary Art of National Kaoshiung Normal University (Taiwan)


»Kunstsalon 2019« der Landesgalerie Linz, Zu Gast im Jungen Salon

Speculative design lab Workshop »Let’s shape! Defining the new normal« in the frame of Ars Electronica 2019 Campus “The Messy Shape of Problems” Exhibition + Discussions of the Academic Design Network Austria, Further Information

Time Capsule – Narrations for a Future: Department for Visual Communication, Ars Electronica 2019 Campus Exhibition – University of Arts and Design Linz (AT), Kuratorin: Barbara von Rechbach (AT/SI)

»apparatus hapticus«, Ausstellungsbeitrag Festival der Regionen zum Thema Soziale Wärme, Website Festival der Regionen

»Do you need me? Form follows society«, Kunstuniversität Linz 2019


»Zines for Science«, IFK – Institut für Kulturwissenschaften, 2018

Vortrag im Rahmen der Veranstaltung »Crossing Art & Science – No. 1 | Geschwindigkeit«, Auftaktveranstaltung des Kraftwerk – Centre for Interdisciplinary Research, Art & Science und der Veranstaltungsreihe Crossing Art & Science in Kooperation mit Academia Superior, , 2018

Ausstellung im Rahmen des Projekts „KunstMeeting“,, Raumschiff Linz, 2018

„Splace #4 – Time“, Kunstuniversität Linz, 2018

„logfiles. stories from the internet of things“ im Rahmen des Ars Electronia Festivals, 2018 (

„Splace #4 – Time“ im Rahmen des Ars Electronia Festivals, 2018 (


„logfiles. stories from the internet of things“ im Rahmen der Konferenz Internet of Things
(, Ars Electronica Center, 2017

Poetics of Politics, Beitrag im Rahmen des Symposiums, Kunstuniversität Linz, 2017

„Expedition Innviertel – Resümee“,  Die vierte Küche,  Kunstuniversität Linz, 2017

„Splace #3 – Angst“, Kunstuniversität Linz, 2017


„somewhere to dissapear“ Künstlerische Arbeiten im freien Raum, Eine Kooperation des Vereins Symposion Lindabrunn mit der Kunstuniversität Linz, 2016

Conference »Graphical Web«, Exeter, UK


„random access“ Ausstellung im Rahmen des Raumschiff,, Linz 2015

„Splace #2 – Farbe“, Kunstuniversität Linz, 2015


„Multiply Futures“, Internationales Design Symposium, Linz 2014

„Splace #1 – Raum“, Raumschiff, Linz 2014

DER STEIN DER IDIOTEN – Ein pataphysischer Jahrmarkt, Garage X, Wien 2013

„Arche-Typen“, Asten 2013

YOUKI 14 – Festival catalogue, Published on Nov 1, 2012, The complete program of the 14th International Youth Media Festival YOUKI in Wels, Austria.

„Kunst macht Politik“, Viertelfestival Niederösterreich, Schloss Ulmerfeld 2012

„Wir machen Kunst, weil es die feministische / politische / gesellschaftliche / meine Situation erfordert“, Linz 2007

ÖGP – Österreichische Glückspartei“, digitale Aktion und Performance, Linz 2006

Fotoausstellung „Portrait“ im Salzhof, Linz 2004

„Atelier für Entschleunigung“, Linz 2004

Teaching Classes

Interdisziplinäres Projekt „Understanding the Digital Society“, Birgit Pröll, Tilo Grenz, Marianne Lechner, JKU
Labor 2, University of Art & Design Linz, MA Visual Communication
Design Digitale Medien 1, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication
Design Digitale Medien 2 „All sort of things…“, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication, together with Barbara v. Rechbach (Design Fiction)
User Experience (Interaction), University of Art & Design Linz, Industriedesign

Labor 1+2 „Expedition Now“, University of Art & Design Linz, MA Visual Communication in Cooperation between between the departments of Architecture, Art History & Art Theory, Visual Communication, kulturtankstelle, and the Graduate Institute for Transdisciplinary Art of National Kaohsiung Normal University in Taiwan. more info
Design Digitale Medien 1 „The System Says“, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication
Design Digitale Medien 2 „Between 0 and 1, Nonverbal Communication in HCI“, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication

Labor 1+2 „Expedition Now“, University of Art & Design Linz, MA Visual Communication in Cooperation between between the departments of Architecture, Art History & Art Theory, Visual Communication, kulturtankstelle, and the Graduate Institute for Transdisciplinary Art of National Kaohsiung Normal University in Taiwan. more info
Design Digitale Medien 1 „Expanded Poetry“, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication together with Katharina Mayrhofer and vienna poetry school
Design Digitale Medien 2, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication

Labor 1+2, University of Art & Design Linz, MA Visual Communication
Design Digitale Medien 1 „Service is their Success“, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication
Design Digitale Medien 2 „interferences~ speculative visual interventions“, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication, together with Barbara v. Rechbach (Design Fiction) exhibition
User Experience (Interaction), University of Art & Design Linz, Industriedesign

„Workshop: zines for science“, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication, together with Tina Frank, Christoph Hoffelner and the IFK
Labor I (Corporate Communication), University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication
Labor II (Visualisierung), University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication
Design Digitale Medien 1 „Service is their Success“, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication
Design Digitale Medien 2, University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication

„Workshop: Internet of Things“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication, together with Tina Frank, Barbara von Rechbach and David Lechner)
„User Experience (Interaction)“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Industriedesign)
„Interaction Design“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Webwissenschaften)
„Webdesign Basic“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication)
„Experiment Prozess“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication) together with Tina Frank & Gerhard Umhaller
„splace magazine, issue 4“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication)
„Labor III (Reflexion)“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication)

„Workshop: Internet of Things“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication, together with Tina Frank, Barbara von Rechbach and David Lechner)
„User Experience (Interaction)“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Industriedesign)
„Interaction Design“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Webwissenschaften)
„Webdesign Basic“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication)
„splace magazine, issue 4“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication)

„splace magazine, issue 3“ (University of Art & Design Linz,  Visual Communication)
„Project: Data Visualisation“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Webwissenschaften)

„Gestalterische Webgrundlagen“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Webwissenschaften)
„Design Digital Media“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication)
„Webdesign Basics“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Visual Communication)
„Interaction Design“ (University of Art & Design Linz, Webwissenschaften)
„splace magazine, issue 2“ (University of Art & Design Linz,  Visual Communication)

„Narration in the Internet“ (Course, University of Art & Design Linz,  Visual Communication)
„Design Digital Media“ (Course, University of Art & Design Linz,  Visual Communication)
„Moving Image“ (University of Art & Design Linz,  Visual Communication)
„Webdesign Basic“ (University of Art & Design Linz,  Visual Communication)

„Digital Storytelling“ (University of Art & Design Linz,  Visual Communication)
„Design Digital Media“ (University of Art & Design Linz,  Visual Communication)

Publications & Releases:

  • Towards a Digital Platform for Goal-oriented and Competence-based Bundling of Volunteering
    Pröll, B., Schwinger, W., Kapsamer, E., Retschitzegger, W., Schönböck, J. & Lechner, M., 15 Aug. 2023, 2023 18th Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI 2023. (Iberian Conference on Information Systems and Technologies, CISTI; Band 2023-June).
  • „How are you, my digital friend?, PhD 2022
  • iVolunteer – A Platform for Digitization and Exploitation of Lifelong Volunteer Engagement
    Kapsammer, E., Pröll, B., Retschitzegger, W., Schwinger, W., Weißenbek, M., Schönböck, J., Altmann, J. & Pührerfellner, M., 2021, Enterprise Information Systems – 22nd International Conference, ICEIS 2020, Revised Selected Papers. Filipe, J., Śmiałek, M., Brodsky, A. & Hammoudi, S. (Hrsg.). Springer, S. 386-411 26 S. (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing; Band 417).
  • auszug 20/21, Lesen auf issuu
  • Now Website, Zur Website
  • auszug 19/20, Lesen auf issuu
  • auszug 18/19, Lesen auf issuu
  • auszug 17/18, Lesen auf issuu 2019, Lesen auf issuu
  • www.splace-magazine #4, 2018 »Die Gegenwart als Vorvergangenheit der Zukunft«
  • „logfiles.stories from the internet of things.“ Frank, Lechner, Pührerfellner, Rechbach, 2017, DOI: 10.1145/3131542.3140279
  • www.splace-magazine #3, 2017
  • auszug 15/16, 2016
  • www.splace-magazine #2, 2015
  • auszug 14/15, 2015
  • www.splace-magazine #1, 2014
  • auszug 13/14, 2014
  • „wir müssen weiter denken als unsere pistolen schiessen“, Andrea van der Straeten (Hg), Sonderzahl Wien: 2007

Clients: – Stadt Wien MA41 – Asfinag – Backaldrin – Advantage Austria – Roomle – Swarovski Kristallwelten – Swarovski – W&H – Silhouette – doka – Wien Energie – Swarovski Architecture, Interior Design & Lighting – Vossen – Umdasch – Wienerberger – Vamed – Story Enso – kleboth lindinger dollnig – Eternit – greiner bio-one – Therme Geinber – Donauuniversität Krems – Banner Batterien – hochstetter – Liwest – Jogun, Performance Consulting – – Fronius – gespag – OÖ. Ferngas – Maschinenring – BMW – AKH Linz – – greiner packaging – Spitz – Netural – …

Educational Background:

2020-2021: PhD Programm „How are you my digital friend“, University of Art and Design, Linz

2017: IDEO online course, Storytelling for Change, provided by +Acumen 

2017: IDEO, Design Kit: The Course for Human-Centered Design, provided by +Acumen 

2016 – : Fine Arts, Experimental Design, University of Art and Design, Linz

2003 – 2008: Fine Arts, Experimental Design, University of Art and Design, Linz

2001: Diploma Mediatechnic & Design „Audiovisuelle Installation Therme Geinberg“

1997 – 2001: Mediatechnic & Design, Hagenberg

2 Kids.


2020: Nominierung des Projekts „Do you need me? Form follows Society“ beim Ars Docendi Staatspreis für exzellente Lehre 2020 (Kategorie: Forschungsbezogene bzw. kunstgeleitete Lehre)

Digital Magazine Awards, Tina Frank, Marianne Lechner, Sabine Kienzer

Multimedia Award, Silhouette, Kampagne »Letters of Passion« (Team
Multimedia Award, Silhouette, Website »iMirror« (Team
Multimedia Award, Doka, Microsite »Staxo 40« (Team
European Design Award, Silhouette, Application »iMirror« (Team

Multimedia Award, Silhouette, Website »iMirror 2.0« (Team

Multimedia Award, Swarovski Architecture, Website(Team
Multimedia Award, Augmented Reality MicroSite zur Mailänder Fachmesse „Euroluce“ (Team

Multimedia Award, Therme Geinberg, Website (Team


2018-2019: AKG, Arbeitskreis für Gleichgeschlechtliche Behandlung, Kunstuniversität Linz

2020: Berufungskommission Bildnerische Erziehung, Kunstuniversität Linz

2016-2018: Curricula Kommission, Kunstuniversität Linz